Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas for One


So this is Christmas

We think of gifts, music, parties, family, lights and decorations.
We think of joy, peace, and hope.
We think of Jesus…
the One God sent to us.

What about all of the people without joy, peace and hope?

Those trapped in foreign brothels, those duped into domestic sexual exploitation or prostitution, those who believe they have no choice but to pay for the chance to dance at strip clubs.

Those denied education, those weighed down by fistula, those working in slave-like conditions with little or no pay, those who dread the return of their abusive husbands each day.

You think, “I cannot help them all…it’s too much to even consider.”

What about helping just one this Christmas?

What about making this Christmas about one?

One who needs freedom, options, education, choice, healing, fair pay, or safety.
One who needs peace, joy or hope.

One who needs YOU,

this Christmas,


© 2012 by Brooke F Sulahian