Friday, August 17, 2012


As I awoke this morning, I expected a dark and dreary day.  The sky was filled with rain clouds, the morning sun was nowhere to be found, there was a cold feeling all around me.  This was not the welcome of a warm, sunny, hope-filled day.
I wondered if this is how each day looks to a women or girl suffering from fistula.  For many of these beautiful women and girls, today they will be facing yet another day spent in soiled clothing, isolated from family and friends, and living, or simply existing, without any hope.  Their lives filled with dark, overcast, dreary days.
As I continued to sit with God and pondered this in my heart, wondering when the rain would begin to fall, the clouds opened up and a beautiful blue sky was revealed for just a moment.  It took my breath away and I thought of the hope God has placed in each person's heart.  I immediately prayed that each woman and girl with fistula would hold onto this hope from God, even if it seemed fleeting at times, even if it only made itself known here and there throughout the day, even if it could barely be seen through the clouds of their lives, even if it seemed to be gone, vanished forever.
We at Hope for Our Sisters, Inc., are honored to be a part of the process in providing hope for these women and girls with fistula.  This hope takes the form of a free surgery, recovery time and new clothing...a significant outward symbol of their internal healing and renewed hope.
When each of us sees a blue sky, may we remember the gift of God's hope in our hearts and seek how we can share this hope with others.  It may be in a smile, a card dropped in a mailbox, an unexpected phone call, a warm meal, or even a fistula surgery.
Hope from God is the color blue and it is shining in our hearts!  May we all find it and help others find theirs today.

© 2012 by Brooke F Sulahian

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